Don't get me wrong. I love my brother. I even blogged about how much I love my brother here. But still, a sister would have been nice.
However, the Bible says "...there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother." And I found her! I'm not sure how or when it happened, but somehow my family adopted Mary Tran - my sister of the heart.
God obviously knew what He was doing, because I could not have asked for a better big sister. We have a relationship that I would assume is pretty much like most "real" sisters, except we don't live together. We have great fun. Most of the time when we are together, we laugh hysterically. People stare, but we don't care. We're having fun. The following pictures are all proof. We were in Garden Ridge.
I don't know what she was doing here.
I wanted that camel. And the flamingos behind it.
If I pushed it, it swung back at me. It was awesome.
This was right after I said she would be married in a year.
She collapsed and took her pulse.
I was wrong. (Thorry, thithter.)
I wanted that camel. And the flamingos behind it.
If I pushed it, it swung back at me. It was awesome.
This was right after I said she would be married in a year.
She collapsed and took her pulse.
I was wrong. (Thorry, thithter.)
Even with all of these great fun times, I know without a doubt that sometimes I annoy her to death.
I know, though, that if I ever need anything, I can call her and she will be there. I can call her to ask for help with a project (because she is so much more creative than I am). I can call her in tears because I just need to talk. (Usually, I cry over dumb things, but it doesn't matter she will still be there.) And she always knows just what I need. The last time I called her, she showed up with a card and a Dr. Pepper. Boy does she know me!
So, I want to thank God for giving me the perfect sister of the heart.
And I want to thank my thithter for alwayth being there for me! I love you, thithter!
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